Bullmastiff Collars

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Bullmastiff Collars

A collar is the thing every dog breeder needs. Our Web Bullmastiff dog store is glad to offer the most high-quality collars for your Bullmastiff. The photos and stated parameters will help you to choose an appropriate collar for your dog.
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The right size of a collar will have an impact on how comfortable your pet will feel during walking.
All collars for dogs which are presented in the our online store have passed certification tests and are safe for dog’s health. We offer dog collars of various colors and sizes. Every dog must have a collar, but to choose it is not so easy as you can think from the first sight.
The special dog equipment is specified not only for a definite dog breed but also for specific occasions and for different kinds of training. We consider that it is rather difficult to choose an appropriate collar among the hundreds of collars which are offered by zoo industry. We will help you to make a right choice and to let your pet wear the most suitable accessory for him.
Dog collars are divided into several types as intended:
Soft classic collar (for walking, with a special handle for safety and guiding service collars).
Such kinds of collars are made of leather, synthetic material or of their combination. Usually these collars have soft padding (thick felt, fleece or thin leather with a soft filler padding collars) to provide Bullmastiffs with superior comfort.
Collars for walking are the most common type. Usually they have a special D-ring for leash attachment. It can be set near the buckle which in this case won’t prevent your pet to move his head. Also it can be set on the opposite side of a collar – then a dog owner won’t have to look for a ring to fasten it (the buckle as the heaviest part of the collar will aim down).
Collars for protection training are equipped with a special handle which will allow to hold your dog back. A ring for a leash is usually situated on the very handle or below it. There is usually another D-ring near the buckle and it is recommended to leash your pet exactly to this ring when he is working or training.
Collars for guarding service are the most reliable and timeproved type. Such collars are used for dogs leashed for a long time, that’s why they must be more durable than others. The main feature is that the strap of the collar is passed through a D-ring firstly, and then it is fastened to the buckle. Therefore, the load from pulling is distributed not over the buckle and holes for fastening, but to the special strong material passed through the ring. The buckle is also set at the top of a collar and won’t hinder your dog.
Choke-collars (metal chain, leather, synthetics). Such collars are used mainly for training or for dog shows. Light weight makes them comfortable for everyday use. Choking effect of these collars is perceived by dogs as the closest one to natural environment of the upbringing in a pack: mother teaches her cub slightly choking his neck. But such kind of an impact on a Bullmastiff, especially on a puppy, should be correct and short-time otherwise pedagogic value can be lost. An experienced trainer should consult a new dog owner as far as for how this impact should be done before allowing to use such collar.
Metal or choke chain collars should be made of solid compound, all elements should be well welded or tinkered, and there must be a cover which won’t harm dog’s skin. Nowadays many dogs suffer from allergy on nickel containing compounds. That’s why curogan collars has been created; it is a special composition based on copper, darker and redder than brass which causes no allergic reactions. Remember that some chains of low quality can change the color of dog’s light fur. That’s why before going to dog show it is better to try the collar. One more remark: dogs with long fluffy fur are presented with thin jewelry chains. It is used not to divide dog’s neck visually and not to spoil dog’s fur. But in fact, the more the element of the chain is, the lesser the chain will harm dog’s fur. That’s why dog owners of shepherd dogs use chains with long elements (up to 2 inches (5 cm)).
Pinch collars. It is a special type which can be used only under strict control of experienced instructors. The key feature is that it is spiked; it can create discomfort under strong tension. Such kind of a collar is picked strictly by the girth of a dog’s neck, it must be situated right behind the ears, it mustn’t hang loose and fall off. One of the most well-known manufacturers of high quality metal collars is considered to be German company Herm Sprenger. The assortment includes several types of pinch collars - wire and plate-like, long spiked for long woolled and short spiked for short woolled dogs, made of different materials and covered with various compounds. The latest development of this company are pinch collars with two sides spiked, these spikes are set on the central plate in the place of the dog’s Adam’s apple. Such location is being considered by specialists as the most appropriate, because it creates more natural tension on the dog’s neck imitating mother’s bite or tuck. Your Bullmastiff shouldn’t wear strict collar for a long time - it should be used only during training and in case when all other methods of achieving obedience are useless. Inexperienced dog owners, who use such pinch collars for 5 months puppies, can cause troubles in a future dog’s behavior and control.
Collars for dog shows shouldn’t distract attention from dogs (usually they are picked up to the color of dog’s fur). It is important for a collar not to divide the animal’s neck visually, to be comfortable, reliable and practical. The majority of these collars are synthetical and made of thin cord or choke chain. However, there are several breeds including German Shepherds and Dobermans, the dog show of those requires longtime dog running in the ring. Dogs should run in front of the handler holding his head high. In this case specialists use metal or leather collars with Adam’s apples. Adam’s apple can be metal or leather, spiked or not spiked, with a special shelf which will help to hold the dog’s head as high as needed.
Collars can be chosen for every breed. However you should take into consideration the peculiarities of anatomic structure of dog’s breathing passages. For example, pugs and other breeds with short snout are very sensitive for any pressure on the neck, and they can choke, so it is recommended to use harnesses. For graceful dogs (like greyhounds) wide collars are used. In any case a collar should be reliable not to be broken during wearing.
What material is the strongest one?
The collars are made of strong leather, synthetic strap or cord, metal and of their combinations. Leather is the most pleasant material both for humans and dogs. High quality thick leather will be fashionable and beautiful and will serve for years. However, like every leather fabric such collars require accurate usage and special maintenance. Synthetic collars are considered to be the most durable. Resistance to outer interference, and different weather conditions make them irreplaceable things in everyday use. The other advantage - you can choose the color, width and design according to your own personal demands. The most durable and reliable collar is considered to be a soft collar made of mix of leather and synthetic cord. High quality and reliable fittings turn this combination into a perfect solution for guarding collars or for protection training of large breed.
It is obvious that high quality metal collars can serve for several dog generations. However it is not recommended to use such collars during cold weather, because there is a danger of frostbites.
It is possible to make a collar for your Bullmastiff by yourself. But remember that safety of your dog and of the surrounding people depends on its reliability. That’s why you must consider the dimensions and power of your dog to choose materials and fittings so that their durability will be 5 times stronger than your pet’s weight. The key thing is to choose the right size of a collar…
Soft collar should be chosen in such a way that when it is being fastened on the middle hole (usually there are also 2 holes on two sides) it won’t hang down on your dog’s neck. To check the right size of a collar you should put your thumb under the collar: if it is too tight – it will press on the dog’s neck, if it is too baggy – it will fall off. When choosing a collar for a puppy, you should remember that he will grow up. The size of a collar should be appropriate; first, there should be a possibility to re-adjust the collar, second, free part of a strap should be not so long and not to create discomfort. That means that a collar should be fastened by using a far inner hole and, as the dog grows up, dog owner will have the possibility to fasten a collar according to the size of your pet’s neck.
It is not recommended for dogs to wear collars constantly, because they can rub the dog’s fur and create discomfort. If you have the necessity to hold your dog at home it is better to use thin leather knot.
Remember that the collar for your doggy isn’t just an accessory, it is his modest “clothes”, because the dog wears it sometimes for twenty-four-hour. That’s why it should be reliable, high quality and safe.
Be sure you can find in our Bullmastiff E-shop not only different kinds of collars but also other dog supplies, such as leather and metal muzzles, training harnesses, walking leashes, bite sleeves etc. Choose whatever you and your pet really needs among our wide range of top quality dog training equipment. Purchase the things you like and make your Bullmastiff’s life brighter and safer!

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